Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sweet 16

YAY! I'm finally 16 :)) I took the driving test & I passed. So of course I'm super excited about that! I feel as if a whole new chapter in my life is about to begin. I suddenly have so much more freedom. I'm really happy about being able to drive by myself. Of course, to be a driver on the road you have to be responsible. If you aren't responsible then you can cause yourself or someone else great bodily harm. If you're a new driver as well, be sure to pay attention to the tons of other people who are sharing the road with you. There are a lot of people who are not good drivers and don't pay enough attention out there. So, pay close attention & watch out for other drivers who may be careless. I must give ya'll some advice if you're a new driver. By being inexperienced it's not wise to multi-task while driving at first. Being able to do that comes with a lot of experience, which at this point you may not have. So, don't be on your cell phone while driving. If someone calls you then find a place to park and call them back. Don't try to talk or text on your phone while driving your vehicle. Another important thing is don't try to use your radio while driving. If you want to change the radio station or put in a CD, have a passenger do it for you. You can also put on the station you want or put in the CD that you want to listen to before you leave your driveway. So teens, be responsible behind the wheel and make great choices. Happy Driving :))

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tips For Girls About Guys

I think that at some point in every girl's life, they dream of being with that Prince Charming one day. The one who will come and sweep us off of our feet. Someone who will love us wholeheartedly, respect us, support us, and will never take us for granted. Well, it's true that one day many girls will find that guy who is perfect for them. However, as a teenage girl, it's rather unrealistic to expect this from a teenage boy. You have to be very careful with guys, because they aren't always what they seem to be. As you know, looks can be deceiving. Don't allow yourself to be fooled girls, you're smarter than that. Always keep up your guard. If you become more comfortable around and with that special guy, then feel free to let down your guard a little bit. Just keep in mind not to let too much of your guard down too quickly. Know that some guys like to take things slow, and some guys like to take things fast. Keep your relationship going at a pace that's best for you. Never feel like you have to do anything that you're not comfortable with, because you definitely don't. Just know girls, if a guy really cares about you he'll understand if you want to take things slow. Don't worry, there are plenty of genuinely good guys out there. Just be patient and wait for the right one to come along. And when it comes to dating, just be yourself. The right guy will love you and accept you no matter what. Don't change a thing, you're amazing just the way that you are.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Music = Crime?? I don't think so.

There have been several cases over the past decades that say that music has caused teenagers to do irrational things. Saying that the lyrics suggest that teens should partake in certain acts of violence. Those acts have included murder, suicide, and rape. Even if the lyrics in songs do suggest acts of violence, that doesn't cause a teen to do whatever the act may be. Doing illegal harm to yourself or to others is done completely by yourself. Their are things all around us that suggest that we do things that may not necessarily be right. Like T.V. commercials that advertise people smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Just because it's advertised doesn't mean that you have to do it. That goes the same way for songs. Some of my favorite songs were written about doing drugs and having sex. Nevertheless, I don't do either of those things. So, when you hear a song that suggests that you do things that you know aren't right to do, just disregard it. I think that it's completely a mind over matter type of situation. The meanings of those songs will only have a negative effect on you if you allow them to disfigure your knowledge of what's right and what's wrong.

Teenagers & Sex

Sex, it's what pretty much everyone talks about in high school. Who's done it and who hasn't. As if it was something of real importance, or something to be bragged about. Sure, think of it as whatever you want to. Some people do it to fit in, some people do it out of curiosity, some people do it out of revenge, some people do it for "love", and some people do it out of pure desire. I suppose that everyone who has done it has their own reason for it. At the same time, I don't believe that most teenagers consider all of the consequences of having sex before they do it. All of the life changing repercussions that can come as a result of that one incident. There's the chance of STD's or STI's or HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy, and the loss of a reputation. I'm sure that there are many more things that could happen, but these are the ones that stick out the most in my mind. All of these things are things that I personally wouldn't want to happen to me. Which is exactly why I am still a virgin. I'm not ashamed of that, more than anything I'm proud. I don't think that I'm better than anyone else because of this, but it does show a lot about a person who can just say no in spite of temptation. I find that it's much easier to give into temptation and peer pressure than it is to have some sense of morals and just not do it. You could be a Straight A student, star of the cheerleading squad, the teachers' pet, but the moment that the rumor spreads that you've had sex, it immediately changes a person's perception of you. Or at least, it's always changed my perception of people. I know that some people truly don't care about what other people think of them, but there are equally as many people who do care about what other people think. I don't mean to sound like a parent or a teacher. Simply know that when you make the decision to have sex, you also welcome the consequences that can come with it. My personal motto is this, "I don't do anything that I know that I'm not prepared to suffer the consequences for." To every action there is a reaction. In this case, that reaction can be a number of unpleasant things. If you've made the decision to have sex, then do it safely. There are ways to prevent STD's, STI's, HIV/AIDS, and teenage pregnancy. The best choice of which is abstinence.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Family, it is one word that single handedly sums up the most important people in my life. Those who support me, and those who are always there when I need them. The people that I know no matter what happens, they will catch me whenever I fall. I honestly couldn't live without them. They bring me so much joy and comfort. I can always trust them for their honesty, and I know that they always have my best interest in mind. I love them with every inch of my heart, and without them, I would be absolutely lost in the world. Never take your family for granted, because whether you realize it or not, you wouldn't be here without them in the first place. Tell them that you love them, no matter how random it may be. Whenever the opportunity arises, show them your appreciation for them, and let them know how much you care about them. However unbelievable this fact may seem, there will come a day when you will no longer have that opportunity.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Good Book

One of my favorite things to do in the whole world is read. I find it to be so calming and peaceful. Not only is it a soothing practice, but you are certain to expand your knowledge simply with reading. Therefore, I think of a good book as a real work of art. A masterpiece you might say. There's truly nothing like being completely captivated by a great book. How it just consumes you, and you can't quit thinking about it. At least, that's how I am when I am in the process of reading a specifically intruiging book. I take every spare moment that I have just to read as much of it as time will allow. I don't pay attention to the page numbers, I just follow the characters intently wherever their story may take me. I'm currently reading one of those types of books. It's called Ninteen Minutes, and it's written by Jodi Picoult. I definitely recommend it to anyone who appreciates a good read.